MING CHUAN COVID-19 Protocols: Ongoing Measures

  • Application of ANTIVIRAL & ANTIBACTERIAL surface coating for all seats and handle bars

    • Reduces germs by >99.99% (antimicrobial) based on ISO 22196

    • Active against TGEV-coronavirus (model virus for SARS-CoV) and Influenza A

    • Weatherproof to ISO 11507

    • Dermatologically tested

  • Twice daily temperature taking for all drivers, recorded on temperature log sheets.

  • Sanitation of vehicle seats and interior after every trip.

  • Ensure ample supplies of ART kits, disinfectant and hand rub for each vehicle.

  • Reminder to all drivers to contact MING CHUAN Operations immediately if they visited any COVID clusters. (eg. TTSH, Changi Airport)

  • To wear mask properly.

  • Washing hands frequently with soap and hand rub.

  • Regular review protocols to reflect COVID-19 situation.

  • Ensure service continuity with minimal disruptions.