MING CHUAN COVID-19 Protocols: Ongoing Measures
Application of ANTIVIRAL & ANTIBACTERIAL surface coating for all seats and handle bars
Reduces germs by >99.99% (antimicrobial) based on ISO 22196
Active against TGEV-coronavirus (model virus for SARS-CoV) and Influenza A
Weatherproof to ISO 11507
Dermatologically tested
Twice daily temperature taking for all drivers, recorded on temperature log sheets.
Sanitation of vehicle seats and interior after every trip.
Ensure ample supplies of ART kits, disinfectant and hand rub for each vehicle.
Reminder to all drivers to contact MING CHUAN Operations immediately if they visited any COVID clusters. (eg. TTSH, Changi Airport)
To wear mask properly.
Washing hands frequently with soap and hand rub.
Regular review protocols to reflect COVID-19 situation.
Ensure service continuity with minimal disruptions.